Showing posts with label plague. Show all posts
Showing posts with label plague. Show all posts

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Black Plague History

In the plague history of Norway from the Black Death 1348-49 to the last outbreaks in 1654 comprising over thirty waves of plague there was never a winter epidemic of plague. The Black Death swept through the Middle East and Europe in the years 1346-1353 but it may have begun several decades earlier in the Qinghai Plateau of Central Asia.

The Black Death

One of the worst plagues in history arrived at Europes shores in 1347.

Black plague history. The Black Death also. The period of recurring plague. History of the Black Plague In the mid-1300s there was a global epidemic involving a devastating bubonic plague that struck Asia and Europe in the middle of the 1300s.

There is no dispute that the Black Death otherwise known as the Great Mortality or simply The Plague was a trans-continental disease which swept Europe and killed millions during the fourteenth centuryHowever there is now argument over exactly what this epidemic was. The disease caused by a bacillus bacteria and carried by fleas on rodents originated in central Asia and was taken from there to the Crimea by Mongol warriors and traders. Five years later some 25 to 50 million people were dead.

Arguably the most infamous plague outbreak was the so-called Black Death a multi-century pandemic that swept through Asia and Europe. These thrive in cold weather. The traditional and most widely accepted answer is the bubonic plague caused by the bacterium Yersinia Pestis.

The Black Death was a devastating global epidemic of bubonic plague that struck Europe and Asia in the mid-1300s. The Black Death was the second pandemic of bubonic plague and the most devastating pandemic in world history. The first cases of bubonic plague or Black Death were discovered in the 14th century and it is the most devastating pandemic in the history of humanity which affected the whole of Europe killing 60 of Europeans died 50 million people of a total of 80 million inhabitants according to.

According to historians the Black Death came from the East Either China or Mongolia and reach Italy in 1348 during. In October 1347 the plague was believed to arrive in Europe after a dozen ships from the Black Sea docked at. The plague that caused the Black Death originated in China in the early to mid-1300s and spread along trade routes westward to the Mediterranean and northern Africa.

The plague arrived in Europe in October 1347 when 12 ships from the Black Sea. It reached southern England in 1348 and northern Britain and Scandinavia by 1350. The Black Death was a plague pandemic which devastated Europe from 1347 to 1352 CE killing an estimated 25-30 million people.

The Black Death also often called the bubonic plague was an epidemic of disastrous proportions that is said to have killed up to 50 of the European population in the 1300s and around 12 million people in China in the 1800s. It was a descendant of the ancient plague that had afflicted Rome from 541 to 549 CE during the time of emperor Justinian. Plague is very different from airborne contagious diseases which are spread directly between people by droplets.

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